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About MDH

Matthew Huntley

Hi friends, and welcome to, my personal cyberspace outlet for sharing new and interesting things about the world, from film reviews and challenging exercises to unique restaurants and relaxing leisure activities.

MDH started out as, and continues to be, my weekend passion project. Along with incentivizing me to stay up-to-date on the latest film beat (since film criticsm remains my most deep-seated passion), my hope is the site will offer visitors new ways to add balance and diversity to their lives, whether it's moving their bodies in different ways, tasting new types of food, or simply going somewhere they might not have considered.

Everything you read about here is intended to serve as a recommendation only because in some way, shape or form, it's added pleasure and meaning to my life, and I think we all have to take a more proactive role in making this happen for one another every single day. Why? Because we're all in this together.

Even though I develop and maintain MDH, I'm just one of the site's several million contributors, since everything we experience comes from the collective actions and efforts of an incaclulabe number of people.

So olease free to peruse, offer feedback, and above all, enjoy MDH as often as you like. I promise the site will continue to grow and expand over time, just as I hopefully will. After all, that's why we're here!